Walrus Audio Melee Wall of Noise Reverb Distortion

€ 256,19 256.19 EUR € 288,43

€ 349,00

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(= € 288,43 Zzgl. Steuern)


The Melee Wall of Noise is a distortion + reverb combo that unapologetically uses a joystick to meld reverb and distortion into one massive blaze of sound.

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Walrus Audio Melee Wall of Noise Reverb Distortion

Walrus geeft je de twee meest essentiële effecten die een instrumentalist onhandelbare hoeveelheden kracht en invloed geven: reverb en distortion. Ze zijn samengebracht en verweven voor een eeuwigheid van etherische kracht met The Melee: Wall of Noise.

De Melee gebruikt onbeschaamd een joystick om reverb en distortion samen te smelten tot één enorme uitbarsting van geluid. Met het omdraaien van de schakelaar laat je de distortion in de reverb of reverb in de distortion lopen. Voor de avontuurlijke gitarist heeft de Melee drie verschillende reverb-programma's: Ambient, Octave en Reverse.

In een less is more-benadering hebben ze bewust gekozen voor bedieningselementen die leuk zijn om te gebruiken en een schat aan creatieve output zullen inspireren.

Walrus gives you the two most quintessential effects that yield unruly amounts of power and influence to an instrumentalist: reverb and distortion. They have been harnessed and woven together for an eternity of ethereal power with The Melee: Wall of Noise.

The Melee unapologetically uses a joystick to meld reverb and distortion into one massive blaze of sound. With the flip of the order switch, run the distortion into the reverb or reverb into distortion; signal chain is your call now. For the explorer, the Melee can run one of three different reverb programs Ambient, Octave, and Reverse.

In a less is more approach, they've intentionally decided on controls that are fun to use and will inspire a wealth of creative output.
Walrus gives you the two most quintessential effects that yield unruly amounts of power and influence to an instrumentalist: reverb and distortion. They have been harnessed and woven together for an eternity of ethereal power with The Melee: Wall of Noise.

The Melee unapologetically uses a joystick to meld reverb and distortion into one massive blaze of sound. With the flip of the order switch, run the distortion into the reverb or reverb into distortion; signal chain is your call now. For the explorer, the Melee can run one of three different reverb programs Ambient, Octave, and Reverse.

In a less is more approach, they've intentionally decided on controls that are fun to use and will inspire a wealth of creative output.


Marke Walrus Audio